Take 5: Lacey Clawson
Lacey is an Underwriter with LCI Workers’ Comp. She lives on the Northshore with her boyfriend, JT, and their dog Bumpy. When she is...
LCI Staffers Attend 2022 IIABL Conference
It was a great time catching up with old and new friends alike at the IIABL’s first convention since 2019. Thanks to all of...
Employee Spotlight / Take 5: Kinsley Gullatt
Kinsley is from West Monroe, Louisiana and lives with her dog, Willy Wonka. She is currently attending the University of Louisiana Monroe (ULM) and...
It’s Showtime!: Lindsey Tassin of Chameleon Staging
Home staging can elicit an excellent first impression and warm emotions which can compel someone to purchase a home more quickly or for more...
A Bright, Sunshiney Day: Stacey Betz of Bright Beginnings Childhood Development Center
It was in 1877 that the scientific world first took an interest in the development of infants and young children. Charles Darwin wrote an...
LCI Awards Employees For A Great 2021
At the annual LCI Employees Christmas Luncheon held at Keith Young’s Steakhouse in Madisonville, LA, several employees were recognized for their excellent service and...
Carving Artist: Chris Capdeville of Atelier Woodworks
Even the worst occurrences imaginable can have silver linings. For Chris Capdeville, the strange times after Hurricane Katrina led him to find the craft...
LCI Staffers At The LASIE 2021 Conference
Several staff members from LCI attended the 30th Annual Louisiana Self-Insured Employers Conference held at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans on November 3...
Take 5: Emily Hingle
Emily Hingle, Social Media Coordinator Emily Hingle has been working in the field of journalism since she was in college at the University of...