Financial Self-Care for the Small Business Owner
Join this 1 hour webinar designed to encourage business owners to address their personal financial success goals and create brief action plans for achieving them, with Clarissa Preston of Montage Enterprises leading the session.
If the uncertainty of the past few years has caused you to put off some of your personal goals for your own financial success, join us for a discussion of financial self-care.
Clarissa Preston of Montage Enterprises encourages personal financial health while either maintaining or growing your business. Clarissa’s webinar will include her Top Three self-care tips, and how to integrate them into the many elements of business management business owners address every day.
Clarissa Preston MBA, CIC, WCP has worked in governmental relations, paralegal services and consumer advocacy, as well as founding Montage Enterprises to provide business counseling and other services. She is currently Senior State Relations Executive for the National Council on Compensation Insurance.
The webinar is free but registration is required; please scroll down to the Register Now button.
Venue webinar
Starts Wed Jun 26 2024, 09:00am CDT
Ends Wed Jun 26 2024, 10:00am CDT