Download our new app to easily make payments,
or visit the Member Portal.
Make Payments Using the LCI App:
To download our new convenient payment app to your device, click the link below:
APPLE: Download
ANDROID: Download
Make Payments in the Member Portal:
Invoices are mailed 2-3 weeks prior to the due date. Payment is due in our office on the due date. There is no grace period.
Online: You can pay your bill in the LCI/LCIA Member Portal at no extra charge. Visit to create a login for LCI’s secure site. You will need your account number, email address, and billing zip code to register. Call 985-612-1230 if you need assistance.
EFT Direct Debit Payments: A simple one-time process to have your monthly coverage payments automatically debited from your bank account at NO ADDITIONAL FEE. Upon coverage renewal, the member must notify their agent or LCI to continue with EFT. Call 985-612-1230 if you need assistance.
By Mail: Attach the tear-off portion of the coverage invoice you received from LCI to your payment and mail it to 1123 N. Causeway Blvd. Mandeville, LA 70471 Please make checks payable to LCI (include account number at the bottom) and return in a self- addressed envelope provided. DO NOT MAIL CASH.
In Person: Drop off payment at our Mandeville office at 1123 N. Causeway Blvd. Mandeville, LA 70471. Office hours are 8:00am – 4:30pm M-F . Closed for major holidays
By Phone: You can call our office to pay with a check or credit/debit card. A $30 credit/debit card processing fee will apply. Policies that are canceled for non-payment of premium will be charged a $50 late fee. Please call 985-612-1230 to make a check or credit/debit card payment.