A Loss Control visit can be very beneficial for your company. The primary purpose of a Loss Control visit is to confirm that LCI has correctly classified your business for the purpose of assessing its risk. This is also an opportunity for the policyholder to learn about different safety measures, training programs, and hiring policies.
Sometimes you can’t prevent an accident from happening, but you can limit the damage. LCI’s Loss Control representatives will go over the importance of using job applications, implementing the Second Injury Fund, and having a written drug policy in place. Implementing these can prevent and limit claims in a big way. Policyholders should also take this opportunity to ask questions about any safety concerns and safety training courses available through your policy with us.
LCI offers many services such as safety/training programs and Workers’ Comp 101 classes for your benefit. Our main goal is to help you run a successful, efficient business by limiting and preventing the severity of losses.
Daniel Brockhoeft, Loss Control Coordinator, can be reached at daniel@lciwc.com or 985-612-6739.
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